Thursday, October 13, 2011

Watched like a Cat

Last week as I sat in my women's small group bible study at my friend Samantha's house, my attention was drawn to a grasshopper I saw pouncing through the family room. A few minutes after I saw the little creature, Samantha's cat spotted it, and I was entertained by what unfolded.

The grasshopper could feel the cat patting at it with its paw and sniffing it, and it responded by jumping farther and farther across the room, hoping to escape from the cat. It hopped underneath a reclining chair and probably thought it had found a safe hiding place.

In the moments that passed as the grasshopper hid, that cat was on alert. It circled around the recliner multiple times, stuck its paws under the chair, and even after no sight of the grasshopper, it sat right next to the chair, ready to pounce at the moment the grasshopper hopped out.

An hour of bible study passed and the cat was still vigilant. It wasn't distracted by its food dish, by people trying to pet him, and he didn't fall asleep. His interest in finding that grasshopper never decreased.

It always amazes me how the Lord will speak to me in what seems to be the silliest or most meaningless situations (aka the cat and the grasshopper scene). I was so encouraged by the imagery the Lord revealed! Most people living trapped in lives of sin know what they are doing is wrong. They feel the guilt. They run from God and avoid confronting their sin at all costs. But, even if they think they're safe and can control their circumstances, little do they know, God is in hot pursuit. God seeks new ways to find His lost children. He isn't distracted, He isn't discouraged, and He doesn't give up. God knows what He wants and doesn't stop until He gets it--and trust me, He doesn't need our help to accomplish His mighty tasks. If a cat can give that much attention to finding the lost grasshopper, imagine how much more the Lord is pursuing His own lost children? If you're praying for someone you know who is lost, living in sin, and empty, do not be discouraged by their rebellion. God is smarter, He is bigger, and He will stop at no cost to offer free salvation to the lost.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Eternally Victorious

Athletes: a staple icon of the American culture. They inspire us with their comebacks, delight us with their victories, and entertain our society. While the success of a pro athlete can be fleeting, and sports teams rise and fall, we still love to love those who seem to have endless athletic talent and can achieve anything.

I don't know any of today's big athletes personally. I don't know their stories and don't get a share of their victories. But I do know a man who walked the earth over 2,000 years ago and scored some pretty major victories. He healed the un-healable, performed miracles for the hopeless, and then he made a move toward the end of his game that gave all of humanity a piece of victory.

This man has the longest winning-streak in the books. He still has a winning record. He isn't motivated by championship rings or superbowl trophies. It isn't the dollar amount on his contract or the name on his jersey that matters to him. He is motivated by the daily battles in our lives and in the world around us. He even has time to fight for righteousness on behalf of you and me!

You would think by today's standards someone who has been on a 2,000 year winning streak would be too famous to be reached. But I know this man personally. He wants to know the battles he can fight in my life for me. He is successful in all he aims to accomplish. And because I am his child, I am a joint-heir to his victory and treasures!

The man I'm telling you about is my hero, my close friend, my Father, and the ultimate victor. Through His power, the impossible IS possible. His desire is to bring me peace, joy, and continually shower me with love. Unlike today's famous athletes, this man wants to know you personally. He wants to fight for you, and he wants you to share in his victories. If you don't know him, getting to know him is easy. He has been pursuing you from the day you were born--and is standing at the door of your heart, knocking, waiting to be accepted as your personal Savior. All you have to do is let him in.

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in." 
-Revelation 3:20

Dear Victorious Jesus, 
I know I'm a sinner and I know I can't fight this fight on my own. I believe you died for my sins. Right now I turn my from my old life of sin and open the door of my heart and life. I receive you as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you for saving me. Amen. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Little Bo Peep

It seems like yesterday I was a little tike singing along to the Little Bo Peep nursery rhyme. I think its safe to say we all learned this in our lifetime:

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
And doesn't know where to find them! 
Leave them alone & they'll come home, 
Wagging their tails behind them.

I think our society has adapted the belief Little Bo Peep had when it comes to lost sheep--those who wander. We all know wanderers. People who take the wrong path in life, go through a rebellious phase, or lose themselves for a season. When someone close to us wanders astray, it can be scary. But as Little Bo Peep teaches, we are to leave them alone--let them have their fun and eventually they will find their way back home. And when they do, they will be overcome with shame and guilt that they look like sad puppy dogs with their tails between their legs. Oh well, its the course of life, right? People wander, people lose themselves and what matters to them, but we say don't worry about them--they'll hopefully make it back alive.

I wonder if those who wander know there is someone who doesn't see them as sad and shameful dogs. The Bible tells a different story of what happens when a sheep wanders.  In Luke 15, Jesus tells this story:

"If a man has 100 sheep and one of them gets lost, what will he do? Won't he leave the 99 others in the wilderness and go to search for the one that is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he will joyfully carry it home on his shoulders. When he arrives, he will call together his friends saying 'Rejoice with because I have found my lost sheep!' 

In the same way, there is more joy in Heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over 99 others who are righteous and haven't strayed away!" 

This story captivates the renewing love and hope that is found in Jesus Christ. Can you imagine being part of a big group or company and quitting your job or no longer attending club meetings--what happens? Does the head of the company or president of the club push the other 99 members aside to find you? To make sure you are ok and joyfully welcome you back?

Christ does. He is searching out each and every one of his lost children right now--those who don't know him, those who are rebelling against him, and those who are living blinded by sin. He is pursuing and will continue to pursue until you answer the knock at the door of your heart and welcome Him in. He will change your life, love you unconditionally--and unlike the world, welcome you into his arms without condemnation. He's a loving Father, not a harsh disciplinarian. He is waiting to carry you joyfully in his arms & Heaven is waiting to throw the biggest party when they see Jesus' pursuit of the one lost wanderer become victorious! A life with Christ is not bland or strict, it simply requires obedience and repentance from sin. It offers a refreshing escape from this cold & careless world. You may feel like just another lost person trying to find their place in this big world, but in God's eyes, you are an important sheep in his flock. He knows you by name, he knows everything about you, He desires to bless your life and keep you in His watch forever.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Who is your boss?

We spend 8 hours a day or more logging hours behind a desk. Work, career, and accomplishments have become staples of our world that "define" a person's life and how successful they are. Imagine the inner struggles with self-esteem and value we could avoid if we understood our identity and value is found in God, the person He has crafted us to be, and not by anything we accomplish in this world!

I love listening to MercyMe's version of "The Little Drummer Boy." I think we all can identify with how they sing this song--from a voice of humility, feeling nothing we have to offer is a worthy gift to give the son of a King!

"Shall I play for you? Mary looked at me and nodded. The ox and lamb kept time. Oh I played my drum for Christ. Oh I played my best for Christ. I played my best for Christ!"

How often do we give our absolute best effort to Christ? You know, the type of effort we exert to win a game match, or to fight hard for a new job, or to even protect our reputation in the eyes of others? We often give God our leftover energy. But this is the opposite of how we should be living--God's commands given to us should receive our absolute best effort, and the world's demands on us can have what's left in our tank. What God calls us to accomplish will produce a result more amazing than we can ever achieve by our own efforts in this world.

In addition to playing our best for Christ, it is important to maintain a Godly attitude in the workplace. Although bosses may take advantage of us or work makes us miserable, we ought to work to accomplish each task as though God assigned it to us. Just because He's not physically sitting across from you in your next job interview or signing your paychecks, He is the manager of every job, promotion, paycheck, and career that will come your way. Remember who you're working for, and your work will take on a whole new, glorious meaning when you know it is pleasing the Lord!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Filling Your Fanny pack

Imagine your life as a fanny pack. Throughout your years, you can only carry in the fanny pack what is important to you on a daily basis. Obviously, as you change, grow, and age, you will fill the fanny pack with different things. But your space to fill is limited. 

Now imagine that fanny pack as your soul. Over the years you stuff different things into it that appeal to you. Things promising happiness, fulfillment, love, and lasting joy. You fill it with whatever fits into your stage of life. But what if I told you that fanny pack was missing its bottom piece and everything you stuffed in it passed through?

Every single human being on this earth has a God-created void in their soul. A space of emptiness, loneliness, a desire and longing for the space to be filled. Nothing of this world--no matter how appealing--be it material possessions, money, a career, extravagant car and home, drugs, sex, alcohol, or a live it up lifestyle will ever fill that void. It will pass through you like a bottomless fanny pack, and leave you even emptier than before. How can you be certain of this when everything this world has to offer looks like so much fun? Well, the Bible says it loud and clear: that void was created by God to be filled with a relationship with Him. 

"Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water leading to eternal life." 
-John 4:13-14

Take a look in your fanny pack. What have you been stuffing in there? Open it up and open up your heart to the one thing that will satisfy your void and change your life, a personal relationship and friendship with Jesus Christ. No matter how much we have in this life, if we don't know Him, we will always be thirsty, and our fanny packs will always be empty! 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

He who suffers

Following up from my last post about suffering through challenges, today my eyes were opened to the magnitude of suffering that was endured before us to make it possible for us to call Christ our Lord and Savior. My eyes were opened to seeing that what we suffer in this life, no matter how big or painful it may seem, will never be as large as the pain Christ endured for our sake.

The most humbling part of the suffering He took at the cross was that He didn't deserve a single ounce of it. He did it for those who betrayed and mocked Him in front of his eyes, for the sins that had been committed before Him and those that were yet to be committed by you and me.

When we suffer, we have the comfort of knowing God is by our side and there will be a purposeful outcome to what we endure. Whether it be a breakthrough in a relationship or character and perseverance we build, we know that God works all things together for our good. Christ purchased that reassurance for us by dying on the cross. Even after His death and resurrection, Christians endured persecution. Everything we have access to today--our salvation, relationship and personal friendship with God and Jesus, membership to the family of Christ, the Bible, His protection and was all purchased through suffering.

Joyce Meyer writes in Battlefield of the Mind: "It isn't our suffering that glorifies God, but a Godly attitude of patience and seeking Him through our suffering that brings Him glory." 

You might think Christ's suffering was worthwhile because He did it for the millions who follow Him today. But the magnitude of lives salvation would be available to was not what made Jesus submit to selflessly dying on a cross. He died for you individually. If you were the only person on earth, He still would have endured the same amount of suffering! He loves us more than we can ever grasp. Use your suffering to bring Him the glory He deserves.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Privileged Club

God has blessed me with many successes and a variety of accomplishments in my life. But from a young age, I have been required to work hard. Most of the time, harder than those around me. I went through a season of frustration because in pageants or job positions, whatever I was competing for at the time, it seemed that I had to exert so much energy and effort to be in the running, but there was always someone who beat me out that seemed to have life handed to them on a silver platter. One of my goals in high school was to be valedictorian of my class. I took a challenging schedule of honors and advanced placement courses and I knew from the start that I was unlike most of my peers who were naturally gifted with intelligence. Mathematical equations and scientific concepts just seemed to flow with ease from them, but it took me hours upon hours of studying and diligence to make my name as a "smart" kid.

In my season of frustration at life's "unfairness," God revealed to me that there is purpose and reason behind every suffering we endure. He began to change my heart--I started to look at the extra challenges in my journey as privileges. I am required to strengthen my faith muscle because there will be heavy lifting along my life's journey I'll do for His kingdom. Don't be discouraged that things don't come easily to you. If it is easy to attain, is it really worth receiving? The things we value most in life require hard work.

So consider yourself part of God's privileged club. He has called you aside and will ask you to do big things in your lifetime. You will need every ounce of strength, perseverance, and character you've gained from the struggles you're facing right this moment.

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come our way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. You know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." 
-James 1:2-4

"Winners aren't always the most talented, but champions put in the most effort. Champions acquire the skills necesary to excel in their profession: they build their foundation of confidence on persistence and overcoming adversity." —Dustin Hillis

Friday, July 1, 2011


Its hard for me to believe that a week has already passed since I was in Fresno competing for Miss California. It was not my year to win the crown and job, but I was happy to have finished in the Top 10 again this year and also won top interview. Although, it wasn't my win, because I had asked the Lord for months to speak through me during my interview. He did all the talking, I just stood there in a pretty dress and perfectly teased hair!

To say I wasn't disappointed and sad would be to lie. I was upset I didn't win and confused at why God didn't put me in that position to bring Him the glory. But, I never once lost sight of the fact that it is not my right to understand how He works. Who am I to question His plan? He reminded me throughout the week of competition to trust Him. "Rachel, just trust me." And I kept my sights on Him. I hope I showed the audience, the judges, and the 58 girls I competed with His light.

My mom reminded me of something I had told my sister earlier this year when she was in a dry season for her acting career. She had gotten a lot of auditions and come close many times to booking the jobs, but it was always her age, her look, the timing, whatever the reason, that kept her from booking. At this point, most kids her age turn around and head home and give up on their acting dreams. While I could see the doubt on my sister's face for months, one morning when I walked up the stairs to our apartment past the lemon tree in the front yard, something clicked. We watch those lemons ripen on the tree like hawks! Because they are all nicely shaped and bright yellow in color, it is hard to tell if they are ripe enough to pick.

I told my sister her career was like a lemon on that tree. If a lemon is picked too early, they are too tart and sour to eat. Their life is short-lived. But if the lemon hangs on the tree until it is ripe and mature, it will be picked at the perfect time. Even if we think we are ready, only God knows when the time is right for us to blossom. We may never be picked for a certain job or position, but that is only because God has something better, bigger, and more perfect for us in store. I'm going back on the tree to grow until I'm ready to be picked--according to His timing.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 40: My Why

As I sit here in bed at 6:20 am with nothing but a 12 mile run and last minute things to pack separating me from my Fresno departure, I can't believe the time has come! I've been preparing for Miss California since I left the parking lot last year when the competition ended, but really, I feel God has been preparing me for quite a bit longer without my realization.

Michael Jordan said the one thing that separates the good from the great is heart. This is the Michael Jordan who is known as one of the world's greatest basketball players, the same boy who was cut during tryouts from his high school basketball team.  I think I know how he felt because I felt the same way when I didn't win any pageants I competed in for many years. But I wasn't going to let any judge's opinions keep me from giving up on what I knew I was supposed to be doing. Brick walls aren't put up to say 'stop pursuing your dream, its time to give up and turn around.' No way--they are there to see how badly we want it and if we will do what it takes to leap over the wall.

The one thing I knew I had to do was surrender. I had to give my talents, my willpower, my desires, my heart all back to God, the one who is in control to begin with. I realized that if I was going to find success, (true, lasting, rewarding success), it was not going to be gained by my own efforts but only by allowing God to accomplish His will for me. I told someone recently how different just one year of life has made me--I feel as though I've grown 5 years in the span of twelve months. I've prayed for the Lord to prepare me--to grow me in areas of weakness and help me solidify my identity in who he has made me to be and not what others see me as. I let God write my story for the last year, and even as I head to Fresno, the pen remains in His hand!

When Danny Cahill from the Biggest Loser spoke at my church a month ago, he said if you can identify your why, your body can endure just about anything to help you achieve it. In other words, if I knew why I wanted to be Miss California, God would take care of the "How" I'd be Miss California part. So I suppose I should put my "Why" into words. I desire to serve as Miss California because of the potential impact I can make in the lives of others. Giving of yourself is to me the most rewarding thing in life. I want to tell others they were made for a purpose and to embrace who they are--flaws and all. I want to carry in my hand a torch of light to inspire darkened hearts in a society consumed by superficiality and be a living example to young women that success in this world doesn't require perfection. I'm as imperfect as the next person. The only difference is I've recently accepted my imperfections and experienced true freedom and inner peace, as well as empowerment to know I'm an instrument in the hands of God. I'd take the job of Miss California if it didn't involve a crown or anything glamourous. My reward in life will not be to look back on a dusty collection of crowns when I'm 80 years old, but it will be marked by the lives I've touched doing as much good as I could to further God's kingdom with my time here on earth.

The end of Esther 4:14 says "Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?" 
Other translations read "called into royalty." I am entering this pageant unlike any other in my life. Previously, I put myself in control of my results and performance. But what a weight off my shoulders to have surrendered that control to God. I'm at peace knowing He has my best interest at heart and if this isn't His will for me, something better awaits. In whatever you face, I hope you can also experience that peace knowing there's really nothing you can do to change who God has made you to be and what He has called you to do. Prepare and work hard to be the best version of yourself you can be, but when battles and missions come, He will do the fighting for you. With that I can say, I am Rachel Berry, made to be just how I am by purposeful design, ready to shine my light for Christ, and proudly wear the crown that reads God's daughter, friend, and tool. If you know who you are and whose you are, you can't go wrong. 

"My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness. So be glad to boast in weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through you." 
-2 Corinthians 12:9

"Don't be selfish, don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself." 
-Philippians 2:3 

"A person may plan his own journey, but the Lord directs his steps."
-Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 39: The Checklist

I'm excited to write about one of the best revelations I've been given about destiny. Simply put, you and I were put on this earth with specific gifts and skills to accomplish a unique purpose in life. We are all predestined!

So much of our culture causes us to focus more on what we don't have rather than what we do have. I fell victim to this way of thinking. For years I was held back in my mind by what I didn't have that others around me did. If I could have only been a faster runner on my cross country team, a better dancer, thinner, smarter, or more spontaneous, I thought I'd be able to accomplish my dreams. The enemy loved to torment me with these thoughts and keep my attention on my shortcomings because he knew that would keep me from growing into my full potential.

In the past year, God has given me a great visual for understanding why I had certain things and didn't have other skills. Psalm 139 talks about God making the most inner parts of us as he knits us together in our mother's womb. I picture God holding a huge scroll of paper in His hand with millions of traits, talents, and features and next to each one there is a checkbox. I imagine Him writing my name on the top of the checklist and then carefully examining each trait available and checking the boxes for the ones He gave me, knowing exactly what I need to complete the purpose He will call me to.

I actually had this realization when I was preparing for my last pageant, Miss Orange County. The Lord had called my attention to my strengths. He had made me to be a great tap dancer, physically attractive, emotionally strong, personable, and with the gift of communication/public speaking. On top of that, He has given me a heart that desires to help and serve in a specific way to young women. It became very clear that the skillset I've been given matched the position He was calling me into with pageantry.

It took me 22 years to start thanking the right person for my talents. As I wrote about yesterday with the painter and his painting, I too had fallen into thinking I had something to do with my strengths. Yes, I've worked hard, but even my desires to pursue certain dreams and my work ethic are gifts from God. I can take credit for nothing! I was given what I have because God checked the boxes on the checklist when He created me. I have been so humbled. Now, daily I offer my strengths and talents to the Lord and ask him to use them as he intended them to be used. Not to bring me attention, but to bring Him glory.

Joyce Meyer writes that "whenever we excel in an area, it is only because God has given us a gift of grace for it." I could not agree more. So today, instead of being down about what you don't have, start focusing on what you do have. If God didn't give you the same talent he gave your friend or sibling, its not because He loves you any less, but because the purpose He's given you doesn't require that skill! Ask God to reveal to you what boxes He checked on your checklist. There is nothing more encouraging to me than knowing I did nothing to inherit my strengths and can do nothing but offer them up to the one who gave them to me and with a heart of faith and obedience, watch to see how He'll use me to further His kingdom.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 38: The Painter

Most people in life know their strengths. Whether it is their looks, athletic talent, or business skills, if you ask someone what their strong points are, they are quick to reply. They are also quick to take credit for their skills, whether they realize it or not. We live in a society that teaches us to praise people who are beautiful, skinny, successful, name it. 

Have you ever seen a really beautiful painting? One that just makes you stop and ponder and enjoy the detail of the strokes? Imagine you're in an art gallery and see a breathtaking painting an artist is displaying. What would your natural reaction be? Mine would be to compliment the painter on their skill and tell them how lovely their work is! 

As natural as that reaction seems, the world has developed a rather unnatural manner when it comes to beauty in human form. When we see a beautiful person, we compliment them. But really, they are the product of an artist at work, and that artist is God. Imagine being in that art gallery and walking up to the painting and saying "wow, painting on the wall, you are so beautiful. Good job making yourself so great." Notice how silly that sounds! But, we've all fallen into that trap with the beauty around us. Whether it is a beautiful person, a breathtaking mountain range, or a serene sunset, we end up praising the creation instead of the creator. 

God is the painter of all we know and see in this life. If a person is beautiful, it is only because God has painted them in a combination of strokes that is pleasing to the human eye. If an ocean is a perfect shade of blue water, it is only because God painted the ocean that way. He is the painter of creation and it is about time we start praising the work of His skilled hand! 

"We are the clay, you are the potter. We are all formed by your hand." 
-Isaiah 64:8 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 37: Who you judging?

As I am less than a week away from competition, the topic of judgment is weighing large on my mind. Not only will I be judged by a panel of 7 accomplished judges, but when 59 girls spend a week together, I can expect lots of judging will be going on amongst us. That is human nature. My aim is to step above judgmental thoughts towards others and realize the only judge I need to impress who's opinion matters is God's.

Matthew 7 is an excellent chapter about judgement. Judging others has become a natural habit (and downfall) of human nature. Even though we rarely speak our judgments or criticisms, we think them--and that is just as awful. I liked how Matthew 7 starts off incorporating the concept of sowing and reaping. I always think of sowing and reaping only positive things--like if I work hard at my job, I'll reap a raise or promotion. Or if I do good to others, the good will be returned. I had never thought about how sowing bad things returns the reaping of negative consequences. Many times in our life we are reaping what we have sown into the lives of others, both the good and the bad.

"Do not judge, criticize, and condemn others, so that you may not be judged, criticized and condemned yourselves. Just as you judge, criticize, and condemn others, you will be judged and criticized and condemned according to the measure you deal it to others, it will be dealt to you." 
-Matthew 7:1-2

The breaking of this habit starts with mind power. Increasing alertness to your thoughts and monitoring them will make you aware of the sometimes unconscious thoughts that pass through your head. Pray the Lord will give you eyes to see others as He sees them, and to recognize their goodness instead of their weakness.

"And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own? How can you say to your friend, 'Let me help you get rid of that speck,' when you can't see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye." 
-Matthew 7:3-4

This verse is a reminder to focus on making ourselves more holy before we try to fix those around us. The best way to influence is to have your life be a shining example of what Christ intended our lives to look like!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 36: Smaller than Sand

You know when you have sneakers on and you get a tiny rock stuck inside your shoe? It feels like a large pebble and it just gnaws away at your attention like an annoying pain that you can't forget about. The only way to handle it is to get rid of it, which usually involves stopping mid-stride to take off your shoe and dump that pesky thing! This is the only solution to getting rid of the problem, and you'll be driven crazy until you take care of it. These little rocks seem to find their ways into my running shoes oh too often.

This morning my mom and I enjoyed an 11 mile run and were discussing the root of fear and doubts which come from satan. I was expressing a lie satan had been feeding me about my upcoming pageant and she pointed to the sand and rock alongside the road we were running down and said "just remember, the Bible says satan's power is smaller than a speck of sand."

That visual put things into perspective for me. Sometimes it can seem as though satan's lies he feeds us of doubt, fear, and insecurity are consuming and limiting. Just like a rock in our shoe, they are all we can concentrate on. They consume our attention and energy. But really, the power satan has is no bigger than the little rocks or specks of sand in comparison to the power of the Lord! Its time to shift our attention away from the degrading lies and on to the magnificent, limitless, undefinable power of the God we call friend, father, and protector.

Exodus 15:6 says "Your right hand, Lord, is glorious in power. Your right hand, Lord, smashes the enemy." 

I love the use of the word smashes. It doesn't read pushed away, brushed aside, or disregarded, but smashed! Completely destroyed, obliterated, and gone without a trace. Remember how there is only one way to remove the annoying rock in your shoe? The same way the Lord deals with the enemy. This power is available to us by using our weapon, the Word of God, to refute the lies the enemy whispers. In my small group we play a little game we've dubbed "satan stompers." We make up common lies the enemy targets young, single women with and when its our turn, we tell the lie to someone as if we were satan. They respond to the lie with a Bible verse that addresses the issue and smashes the lie to pieces. Not only is this effective, it is how we were meant to use the Bible--as a tool to smash out the enemy and utilize the power we have as children of God.

An example of how we play the "game"--
Lie: Rachel, why do you try so hard to be successful? You should know you're never going to be good enough to get what you want. Might as well just give in and settle. You're not meant to be anything more than average.

My response: "No. God says He has great plans to prosper me--not to harm me--and He gives me hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)

Nothing will smash the lies you're fed faster and more effectively than God's word. So use it! After all, it is much better to walk through life without pesky rocks in your shoes!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 35: A Prayer

I found this prayer on Teresa Scanlan's blog. She wrote it as a local contestant before she prepared to compete for Miss Nebraska. She was crowned Miss Nebraska, and at age 17, went on to become the youngest Miss America in history. I love the words of this prayer and am humbled to be part of an organization led by strong, Christian women like Teresa!

"Dear God, please help me to be a diligent servant not only today but from here on out. Give me the strength and wisdom to accurately handle your word of truth and the diligence and perseverance necessary to be a worker who is not ashamed. I wish to be a shining light for you, a glowing example of who you are, and a grain of salt in a tasteless world. Whether or not this is achieved through a position, crown, title, or job, please place me exactly where you need me to be an effective ambassador for you. I am clay in your hands, your humble servant, willing to do whatever you wish for me in your perfect plan. I love you so much and thank you for blessing me so tremendously and bestowing such outstanding opportunity on me. My greatest wish is to exemplify your love through my words and actions in order to bring others to you." 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 34: The Sunflower

Living in California, I really enjoy my morning runs and evening walks in the nearby Toluca Lake neighborhood. The homes are old and maintained, all with unique styles and their own look. I noticed a few weeks ago as I walked past a dark brown brick house, a yellow speck stood out. As I got closer, I noticed it was a sunflower blooming over the fence.

The ironic thing was there weren't any flowers at all around this blooming sunflower. In fact, it was close to the garage and surrounded by bushes. But it was so pretty and tall and bright that it looked confident--as if it knew it was meant to grow there regardless of what was around it!

I started to relate what I saw to life as a Christ-follower. Often times there are situations God wants us to be part of that we don't want to. There might be people He is nudging you to talk to or invite to church, but we let fear and insecurity hold us back. But I think God wants us to be more like the sunflower and trust where he is planting us. The soil may not be ideal, the surroundings less than comfortable, but all the more glory we can give Him when he blossoms us! If that sunflower had been part of a big flower garden, chances are I wouldn't have noticed it. But because it stood alone among overgrown weeds and brush, it stuck out in the most beautiful way.

God gives us the courage we need to grow against the crowd and to be planted in soil apart from this world. When we trust where He is planting us, we will grow into strong, confident, and peaceful towers of His grace. For weeks that sunflower has bloomed alone. Today when I walked past it, there were five smaller blossoms opening on the same vine! God is calling all of us to step out in faith, to grow where we're planted, and bloom boldly to attract others toward Him.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 33: Notes to Self

I'm currently reading Joyce Meyer's Battlefield of the Mind, a terrific book with so much insight any and everyone should read! My small group bible study has been discussing themes in her book and I wanted to share some notes on specific subjects that stuck out to me: worry, fear, and weakness.

It is important to remind ourselves daily just who God is (although we can't come close to grasping!) He meets all of our needs. Look back over your life and you'll see he has done it in a variety of ways. God never lets us down--not once! He is faithful all the time. He knows no other way! We might not always get what we want or think is right, but God has the upper hand--he knows what is best for his children!

“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. -2 Cor. 12:9

If you find yourself wavering in faith in any particular situation or thought, it is because your focus has shifted away from who God is. He will fully satisfy! He is the Father who supplies all our needs according to his riches. Keep the focus on God, not on your needs. Seek His face, not his hands. The Bible tells us not to waver in faith--not to let an inch of doubt ever creep in to try and steal hope from God's promises. James 1:5-7 is a poignant reminder of that! Doubt and unbelief yield disobedience.

We are to humble ourselves before Him. Humbling is to realize there is absolutely nothing we can do on our own. Nothing. Why? Because we were made to be dependent on Him. You can reflect on your life before you were saved or look at the lives of non-believers and see they are accomplishing things, but it is the Lord working through them--they simply are not yet aware!

Lastly, in whatever you're facing, do NOT fall victim to worry. Worry is a weapon of satan--and it is the mind racing around trying to find its own solution to a problem or situation. God is the only one who can take care of the situation. Settle your mind on His peace--it was bought at a price for us and not meant to go to waste! Joyce Meyer says, "The proud man is full of himself; the humble man is full of God. The proud man worries; the humble man waits." Which man are you?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 32: Give your Gift

As I mentioned in my previous post, the "heart & hand" concept has completely changed my outlook on destiny and given me a much deeper understanding of how to identify our callings in life.

You may feel like what you have is too insignificant to make a difference. That's okay! What you have will be used as a piece to the big puzzle God is putting together. Maybe you are a corner piece--someone who is a leader. Perhaps your piece belongs to the border that lays the framework of the puzzle before others fit into the middle. Or you could be one of the many middle pieces--you may feel you aren't equipped with anything special, but that is a lie! The puzzle is not complete without you.

I really loved what Greg Laurie wrote in reference to the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. The little boy who only had a few loaves probably thought they were too insignificant to be of any help to Jesus. I'm guessing he probably felt ashamed and embarrassed it was all he could offer. But...look at the miracle Jesus performed with those small loaves!

Greg writes: It is not what you bring. It is whom you are bringing it to. God can do a lot with a little. And sometimes those who have the least are willing to give more, because they recognize that if anything good results, it has to come from God.

So bring what you have. God can take it, bless it, and use it to touch many. What makes a gift great in God's service? It is not the magnitude of the gift. It is into whose hands the gift is given!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 31: Take Time to Wait

Be careful not to mistake God's silence for inactivity. He waits for the perfect timing. Do not give up on what God has placed in your heart! He will build you and prepare you as you obediently follow him. God has called you and me to swim against the current. Most people of this world float along the stream, but we have been chosen to swim against it! Who is in better shape? In the waiting season our muscle of faith is strengthened. There is power in patience and waiting. 

Some of the most valuable things God wants for you require patience. The superficial assets of this world are available instantaneously. There are no shortcuts to the great things of God. If it was easy to follow the narrow path that leads to eternal life, everyone would be doing it. 

Be thankful for the quiet seasons of waiting. In these times God will clarify and purify your vision. He will encourage your heart. Waiting, hoping in faith, and enduring yield a Christian who is complete.

"Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act." 
-Psalm 37:7
"Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along his path. He will honor you by giving you the land. You will see the wicked destroyed." 
-Psalm 37:34

Day 30: Heart + Hands

Back in September, the pastor at my church delivered one of my favorite messages of all time. It was called "What's in Your Heart and Your Hand," and was all about using the specific talents you've been given (in your hand) in combination with the desires/calling God has given you (in your heart) to reach the destiny He has for you. It made me think about why I was the way I am for the first time--why I had been given certain skills and not others. It put me at peace knowing God had given me what I needed for a predestined purpose!

"From the cradle to the cubicle we spend 80% of our time focusing on our shortcomings." Wow, 80%? I think if you start paying attention to your thoughts, you'll find that to be accurate. One reason Christians don't reach their full potential is we are too busy focusing on what we don't have instead of building up the natural skills we've been given. Imagine the change if you took the 80% of your time you spend focusing on your shortfalls and applied that energy to growing your strengths? Fear plays a big part of it. Fear is a weapon of satan, but God can help us over the hurdle of fear. Those who overcome fear can and will do great things for the Kingdom!

The first step is to identify your God-given gifts. What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time? What is the most rewarding part of your day? If you could do any job or pick a career without money being an object, what would you pick? What gets you fired up, passionate, and wanting to make a change? These were questions I asked myself to help me determine my natural skill set. They might not align with your current job, but often our careers and our destinies don't go hand in hand. But they can.

We are to offer our talents up to God. The funny thing is, they were never ours to begin with (although it is easy to take the praise for being a good athlete, teacher, businessman, etc.) Take the little that is in your hand and with a heart of faith ask God to use it for His purpose, and watch as He will bless and multiply it before your eyes!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 29: The perfect mold

Do you ever have moments where you realize how silly you are? Not in a comical way, but in a "geez, if I had only listened to the advice I was giving for my own self!" The Lord gave me a pretty great moment of realization.

As I prepare for Miss California (13 days away), I have been asking the Lord to prepare me. I know that because I serve a faithful God, when I ask for something, he provides in abundance beyond my expectations. So instead of fretting that I won't be prepared or how to do it myself, I've been at peace knowing the Lord will show me areas of weakness, build me, shape me, and provide me with all I need and more to go forward in this mission He's calling me into.

It was after completing a mock interview where I had been asked about my platform, which is an organization called Girls, Inc., that one of the judges told me she felt I was holding back from being vulnerable. She had asked me why I chose that as my platform, and in hindsight, I had given a simple answer about how I have been involved in after-school programs for young children since high school and it is something I'm passionate about. She challenged me on this. She knew there was a deeper reason I had chosen my platform even though I didn't. The Lord wanted me to go deeper--reveal part of my personal testimony. I think I was hesitant because I thought if I shared some of my past brokenness, I wouldn't fit the mold I needed to. How silly of me! Ironically, that was the day I had posted the Joyce Meyer quote about God's light shining brighter through cracked pots than those who have it all together. If I had only listened to what I was preaching!

Thankfully, I have a second chance! I am so grateful God revealed this to me and am encouraged to see His hand at work in me along this process. So why did I chose my platform? I had to take awhile to really think about this. I had been attracted to its mission (empowering all girls to be smart & bold) and it seemed to be a natural fit. I identified that I liked this organization because it was telling girls the words I wish I had heard at a younger age. I thought if I was as close to perfect as I could be--academically, in dance, running, socially, at church, in my family, etc. that made me a valuable person. I tried to hold my life together like it was a package with a pretty bow on top. For years I struggled with never feeling "good enough." I dwelled on my flaws and limited what I thought was possible for my future because I wasn't perfect enough. Sadly, every girl faces this to some degree. It has been through the past 3 years with my involvement in the Miss America Organization, and ultimately through accepting Christ as Savior and Lord of my life that I have embraced my flaws and celebrated my gifts. I've realized I'm predestined for greatness and God gave me every single trait, talent, and tool I need to get there. What I don't have, I don't need! What I do have, I lift up to Him and say use this for your glory God.

Each of us has stories and testimonies. We've all had brokenness and scars. Those don't keep us from "fitting a mold," but rather they make us real and personable examples of Christ's redeeming grace. Why try to fit a mold when there's a one-of-a-kind mold created just for you?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 28: Crack your Light!

I found this incredible quote from Joyce Meyer that so adequately describes how God works through us.

"God's light shines greater through cracked pots than it does for those who have it all together." 

I can't agree more! It requires work on our part to allow God into heal our wounds (humbling ourselves to a place of vulnerability), but once we are healed, He uses our hardships to encourage others! We are given an intimate wisdom regarding the situation we endured--be it a financial struggle, relationship issue, or personal addiction. So simply put, don't be down on yourself if your pot has a few cracks in it. They are there for a reason. Let God shine His light through them!

"In the same way, let your line shine before men, that they may see your good deeds & praise your Father in Heaven!" 
-Matthew 5:16

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 27: Lose IT!

I wanted to share a bit more about Danny Cahill and some of the motivating truths he learned on The Biggest Loser.

Danny talked about one specific challenge they were given on an episode: to dig a treasure chest out of the sand. Danny thought it would be a piece of cake, but then realized as he shoveled the sand away for hours, sand continued to fall back into the hole he was creating. He didn't see much progress at all, but he kept on. Eventually, he dug out the chest. He said it was a lot like his weight loss journey. To most people, losing 20 pounds is a big feat and is noticeable. But when he lost his first 20 lbs, he looked at himself in the mirror and saw the exact same person, nothing had changed! But he didn't give up simply because he didn't see results, and those were the first 20 lbs of 200 more to follow. This story encouraged me to stay motivated, to keep digging, to keep pursuing even when I don't see results or my circumstances are discouraging. The Bible says--we will reap fruit of our labors!

Danny also talked about two essential things to lose to succeed on any journey. First, lose your regrets. Satan loves to torment with regrets of our past mistakes--and that keeps us chained to the past. Remember that God has the power to take what satan has meant to harm you with and turn it into good, so it is necessary to make a conscious effort to ditch the weighty baggage of the past.

Secondly, lose the lies! Don't believe the lies your mind will tell you. Satan loves to rationalize our minds into belittling issues in our lives that need to be addressed. He knows that if we face the truth about an area that needs improvement, that will take us one step closer to walking in the destiny God has for us. Instead, satan feeds us lies to believe. In Danny's case it was "you're not that fat, you've already tried your hardest...might as well give up, nothing will change no matter how hard you try, you're a good dad at least..." If you want an honest opinion about your life, ask God.

Lastly, on any quest you're on--keep God your God! Don't let the chase or the challenge become a consuming focus and priority--maintain balance. And when you want to quit, remember your purpose for starting and the goodness God has promised you that awaits the struggles. If you know why you are doing something, you can endure just about anything to get there.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 26: The Biggest Loser...Ever

Yesterday I had the privilege of hearing Danny Cahill speak at the church I attend, Morningstar Christian Church! Danny won the Biggest Loser in 2009 and lost 56% of his total body weight, making him the biggest loser in history of the show's existence. Danny started the message with tears in his eyes before he even said a word--then began with "I'm just so blessed God picked me for this journey and that I get to share my story." A true man of humility who has pursued the path God laid before him. But it wasn't easy for him to take his first step on that path--at 430 pounds.

Danny had tried 3 times to get onto the show before finally being casted. He was searching for a motivating force to help him lose the weight for good--and felt the Lord placed this show in his heart. On the last day of the casting in 2009, hoping for a call from the producers, he prayed that God would show him his direction and opened his bible to Genesis 50:20. He said at that moment, after reading the scripture he opened to, he called his wife and said "I'm going to be on the show--and I'm going to be the Biggest Loser ever!" This scripture was confirmation of God's plans for Danny.

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many." 
-Genesis 50:20

Hours later, Danny got a call welcoming him to the cast of the Biggest Loser. God had been laying a plan out for Danny--although he didn't make Danny obese, he took what was soon to harm Danny (probably cause him an early death) and turned it into good. Danny utilized God for strength and hoped in Him, and it was clear to everyone in the church yesterday, this was God's plan for Danny. He now travels the country encouraging others in faith that any thing bad, harmful, or evil in our lives can be transformed into good by God's grace, and doors will open for us to share the miracles God has performed in our own lives to others everywhere. Don't be discouraged by the trials or "bad" things in your life--God has a divine purpose in all of it!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 25: Welcome Him Aboard!

I was reading over the story of Jesus walking on the water from John 6, when a few things rang so true and applicable to our lives today.  Here's the situation: the disciples were on a small boat that was being rocked hard in a storm on the sea, and they were quite frightened. They were also frightened to see what they might have imagined to be a ghost walking toward their boat--atop the water. This was Jesus, who walked 3.5 miles on the water to save them.

The disciples were wrapped in fear and anxiety. But really, if they had thought about all the miracles they had witnessed Jesus perform, they would've found it no surprise to see him walking toward them on water. But in moments of fear we are shaken and emotions can take control over our faith.

I love what John 6:20 says took place next: "Jesus said to them, 'It is I, do not be afraid.' Then they were willing to take him onto the boat, and immediately the boat reached the shore where they were heading." 

Why did the disciples reach the shore safely? They were willing to let Jesus in to help. Jesus is aware of every problem and obstacle we face, he knows what scares us and shakes our faith. He is ready to do whatever it takes to come to the aid of his children--even walking on water. But we can't let our pride keep us from letting Him onboard to help. I picture when Jesus got into the boat that suddenly the storm ceased and the boat turned into a speed boat and in a brief second they were on shore. The verse says "immediately the boat reached the shore." After paddling for 3.5 miles in a storm, with the help of Jesus, He took his chosen ones immediately to their destination, and he is waiting to do the same for us!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 24: A Piece of His Puzzle

Destiny. A word that lights up our eyes with a child-like hope.  Too many people wade through life in search of their destiny or calling, which especially as a non-believer, can be a pretty challenging search.  I'm so glad to have that weight off my shoulders knowing that God has pre-destined each of his children and will guide us to our destiny if we are willing to follow.

I heard a message on being used by God and fulfilling our destinies that really re-shaped my thinking about this topic. I had previously fallen into the trap of praying "Jesus use me, do great things through me, guide me..."  The issue with this is I was making it all about me.

Never did I think that my destiny is to be part of a bigger puzzle God is putting together with a big mission HE wants to see accomplished. I was awakened to the reality that I ought to be submitting myself to be used in any manner God desired for me, even if it was to be a part of something that is already happening, like a church plant, a revival, or a mission.  So now, I ask God to use me to further His mission. We are all uniquely shaped puzzle pieces and our calling is to make His puzzle complete. Yes, we will each have our own path and accomplish different and unique things en route to fulfilling our destiny. But, we are part of something much greater than we can imagine!

I love this song by Deluge called "I Want to Be Used by You." It puts our destiny into perspective.

You are calling me, I can hear it clearly, to stand for purity and what's pleasing to Your heart. 
You are showing me, I can see it clearly, a sense of destiny, a change from everything around. 

Take me by the hand and show me what you're planning. 
I want to be a part of Your design. 
Guide me by the heart and show me what's the future. 
I want to leave a mark on history. 

I want to be used by you. 
So don't look me over. 
I'm waiting for you broken. 
I want to be used by You. 

So have Your way with me. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 23: Enjoy the wait!

Our culture wants everything yesterday. Our culture doesn't really like to wait.

This mentality interferes with the Christian faith. God often uses waiting as a powerful tool for growth in areas we need it most. Think back to something you really wanted.  When I was in middle school I wanted a cell phone, in high school a car, in college to complete my first marathon to name a few things. If I didn't have to wait 14 years for a cell phone, 16 years for a car, and put in a year's worth of training to finish my first marathon, getting what I wanted would have meant next to nothing.

Waiting builds character because we are required to persevere and endure. Our morals are tested. Will we give in and try to find an easy way to the prize? Or will we rely on God's strength and promises? Our society might say yes--have it now, why work for it? But I'm a firm believer that anything worth having takes work. God doesn't give instant microwave answers, but his blessings are worth waiting for. And I don't know about you, but I am always up for building more character. As my wise grandpa Popsi says, "Character is like ice cream--you can never have too much!"

The Bible says, "when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. You know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." 
-James 1:2-4

Christians are content with waiting. Why? Because just like the rainbow after the thunderstorm, after the waiting period comes God's blessing.

Day 22: Wearing your Robe

I want to share a pretty neat moment I experienced last night in my small group. I was shown again how creatively God can speak to us through others in the most unexpected ways.

I've been blessed with a wonderful small group of women to be part of. We meet weekly for bible study, fellowship, and to encourage one another. Last night, we picked a bible verse to meditate on and apply to our own lives. I opened my bible to the book of Galatians and was struck by this passage:

"And let us not lose heart & grow weary & faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season, we shall reap, if we do not loosen & relax our courage & faith." 
-Galatians 6:9

This was God's way of telling me: "Rachel, you've worked hard toward a goal I've placed in your heart for almost a year now. You have 20 days left before you are tested. Although you've made great progress, do not loosen up and settle in these final days. Keep pushing and you will blossom in my perfect timing."

As we closed our small group in prayer, a sweet friend of mine, Ashton, told me she felt the need to pray over me and shared a vision God gave her when her eyes were closed in prayer. She said Rachel, I saw you wearing a purple robe, a crown from the Lord, and carrying a torch with fire. God gave me this vision of you spreading the light he's placed in you to new places. And it is ironic you were wearing a crown as I know you're preparing to compete for Miss California, and it is because God has set you apart. He wants you to know that you will be able to share the word He is rooting deep inside your heart. He has already gone before you in this journey! It's as if he's saying: "Rachel, I've already given you the robe, now all you need to do is walk in it."

As you can imagine, I was so touched and encouraged by this word Ashton shared with me. I could surely feel God's presence and reassurance.  God could be speaking a similar message to you right now too. Whatever journey you're on, don't be anxious about the small obstacles and dwell on your shortcomings.  Be at peace knowing with confidence that if God has placed your desire in your heart, he will finish the good work he started in you. Chances are, God has already given you all you need to carry out your journey.  He's given you your robe of resources. Stand tall in faith, ground your feet upon the truth of His word, and walk in it!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 21: Wow!

Watching the sunset, hiking a mountain, walking on the beach, gazing at the stars---these are some of the ways we observe nature's most beautiful features.  Living in California, I'm reminded of nature's beauty daily. I love driving by the mountains in the distance and working a block from the ocean. The earth is really a beautifully created place that leaves me in awe!

Today I was listening to Matthew West's song "More." The lyrics are written from the point of view of God speaking to us. The chorus is:

"I love you more than the sun and the stars that I taught how to shine. You are mine, and you shine for me too. I love you yesterday and today and tomorrow, I'll say it again and again...I love you more!" 

I'm not even able to grasp that! God loves you and me more than this entire earth and all of the beautiful things he created on it! Wow. That's far deeper than any love a human being can shower us with. He values us immeasurably.

He thinks about us more than we can comprehend. Thoughts of love, protection, blessings, and joy. We are his children and just as a father and mother look at their baby, He is looking at us with the same adoration.

"How precious are your thoughts about me, Oh God. They cannot be numbered!
I can't even count them. They outnumber the grains of sand!"
-Psalm 139:17-18

Did you catch that? God has more thoughts of us than there are grains of sand on the beach.  When I read scriptures like this, I just can't help but want to live a life that honors someone who loves me so so so so so much!

God doesn't enjoy the beauty of his creation by watching the sunset or gazing at the stars. He enjoys the beauty of his creation by looking down at you and me.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 20: So long secrets

When my sister was a little girl, she was a terrible eater. She turned meals into big struggles when my parents had to force her to eat anything healthy--especially her carrots. Those darn carrots--she must have convinced herself they were poisonous. She hatched a plan that had everyone fooled for awhile--she would take a bite of her carrot, chew it, hold it in her mouth and go to the bathroom. Then she would spit it out in the toilet and come back to the table. After we caught onto that, she began hiding the carrots underneath the table. Then they were hid in the backseat of the car and even in our winter basket of mittens and gloves!

Sometimes my mind likes to play a similar trick on me--like when I see a box of cookies sitting out and no one is around. My mind says "if you eat a cookie and no one sees, it doesn't count!" Well, I've come to the sad realization that it does! satan is infamous for luring us into isolation and tempting us, because he knows when no one is watching us, we don't feel as guilty and we feel a rush of adrenaline when we don't get "caught." It is so important to recognize this as one of satan's tactics and keep ourselves surrounded by strong Christians and wary of isolation.

Even if we are surrounded by people, we can still sin and think dishonorable thoughts. Really, we are completely incapable of holding secrets.  God knows all--whether we want him to or not.

"Oh Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. 

You know when I sit down or stand up. 

You know my thoughts even when I'm far away.  

You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. 

You know everything I do. 

You know what I am going to say even before I say it. 

You go before me and follow me." 

-Psalm 139:1-5

The fact that God is omniscient shouldn't send us running away to hide from God, fearing the wrath and consequences we'll face for our sinful thoughts and actions. I think that is something that scares a lot of people away from a deeper relationship with Him. Instead, we need to accept that there is no way we can hide a secret--which really is a blessing. Hidden secrets bind us up in fear, guilt and anxiety. Yuck!

Here's how to approach the situation--instead of running from God because he knows our downfalls, pray to Him the prayer in the end of Psalms 139!

"Search me, O God, and know my heart.

Test me and know my anxious thoughts. 

Point out anything in me that offends you. 

Lead me along the path of everlasting life." 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 19: A well-maintained car

I recently completed financial-guru & radio host Dave Ramsey's 13 week course called Financial Peace. Not only did this course teach the essentials--monthly budgeting, insurance policies, saving funds and more--Dave also taught about the biblical practices for finances like tithing and giving. The class opened my eyes to learning about things I'd never dealt with before, which was especially good as a post-college grad entering the real world. One of the things Dave said at the conclusion of the course really stuck with me. It is a simple reminder of what needs to be in check to keep ourselves running like a well-maintained car.

These "4 Cylinders" must work and be frequently checked to keep our lives healthy & balanced.

1) Physical: we only get one human body in this life and need to do our best to care for it! After all, our bodies are temples; they are vessels that house the Holy Spirit.

2) Intellectual: just as we feed our mouths daily, we must continue to feed our minds. Dave says "readers are leaders," and I think I agree!

3) Emotional: taking care of our emotional selves doesn't make a person weak, but only stronger. Receive counsel through prayer, the Bible, and wise and mature Christians and unpack your baggage!

4) Spiritual: this cylinder is pretty fun to maintain. Maintenance involves having your world rocked by a man named Jesus.

Keep your engine in check and allow God to steer your wheels!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 18: Pretty Thoughts

Its not a bible verse, but I feel this quote reflects one of my favorite scriptures (1 Samuel 16:7)
"People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 

One of the ladies from my small group shared this truth with me. I love it and its something we can all apply to our daily lives to move in the direction of positive thoughts and a beautiful heart that is pleasing to the Lord!

“A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”
Roald Dahl (1916-1990);
British novelist

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 17: The reason we need

I've finally come to understand the biblical principal of rejoicing for the storms, challenges, and difficulties that find their way into our lives. Instead of getting angry and rejecting God for allowing these things to happen, we are called to praise Him in the storm. There is purpose in absolutely every detail of God's plan for our lives.

A Christian life is not an easy life. Just because you have God on your team and access to his resources and grace doesn't mean hardship won't come. It just means we have the right resources to deal with the hardships! Not only is God wanting us to turn to him in times of need, he has careful design behind every minute we suffer, to remove a bad thing from our lives, to protect us from something that is to come our way, or to grow us in an area of life we struggle with.

I remind myself of this when I look at the calendar and see that in 29 days I'll be leaving to compete for Miss California. While I feel this is my calling and God has prepared the way for me, it will be no easy feat competing against 58 wonderfully talented and driven women. In fact, it seems nearly impossible to come out on top. But I don't let that fact discourage me. If I was a 10 in each category and the training came easy, would I really rely on God? Probably not. God puts us in situations that seem impossible because if they were easy, we would find a way to achieve it on our own. So if you're facing something that seems impossible, get excited! God is waiting to show you that he can make your impossible situations possible, but only through reliance and obedience to Him!

Two great translations of Matthew 19:26
"Jesus looked hard at them and said, 'No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself. Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it.'"
-The Message

"Jesus looked at them intently and said, 'Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God, everything is possible.'"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 16: Power of Speaking

Think about it this way: our tongue is a pen in the hand of skillful writer. Do our words tell a story that is honorable to God? We must allow God to use this tool to speak words that glorify Him, our brothers and sisters, and encourage righteousness. We should also use the power we've been given to speak His will over our lives.

The concept of declaring God's will over your life is challenging to grasp, but therein lies mighty power! After all, God created the world by speaking it into existence. Now granted we don't have that full power, but, we've been given a fraction of it to use in our daily lives.

So what does this power of positive thinking look like in our lives? Well, if God has placed a desire or calling in your heart, it means declaring victory in that field. If prophetic word has been spoken over you, it means reminding yourself of the promises God has for you and your life. Speak them as though they will be done without a doubt in your mind. The timing is in God's hands, but good news--God is never late!

Proverbs 23:7 says "As a man thinks in his heart, so he is." It really is that simple. Our thoughts control our actions. So if satan has been filling your mind with negative thoughts of defeat and discouragement, you are likely to begin doubting your purpose and perhaps give up altogether on what you're pursuing. We've been given thousands of positive words of encouragement in the Bible that we can speak over whatever journey God has us on and repeat those scriptures and promises like your favorite song on repeat. Over and over. Eventually they will drop from our head to our heart and be solid truths in our foundation in Christ.

Stand in God's will, speak out of the dreams he's placed in your heart and recite the promises he's spoken to you. Believe in your heart God will fulfill his promises. Your actions will be guided and the plans He has for your manifested. Ask, believe, receive!

"Go, it shall be done for you as you believed."
-Matthew 8:3

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 15: Fully Holy

We hear the word "holy" in just about every sermon, podcast, or Christian book. But what is the true meaning of the word? The dictionary defines "holy" as: one of perfect goodness and righteousness, devoted entirely to the work of the deity, having a divine quality. 

So how does holiness apply to our hectic, 21st century lives outside of Biblical context? Well, the message is simple--we are called to be holy. Holiness means to be set apart for a noble use. Holiness means dying to our selfish desires of the flesh and pursuing a righteous life of purity. It means staying away from the things that are not beneficial for what we are created for. Holiness means obeying the Ten Commandments and God's callings for us. Holiness is putting others first, praying for our enemies, and treating strangers as we would want to be treated.

Is it really possible to achieve a state of holiness despite our sinful human nature? Well, yes. God tells us to be holy. He wouldn't have said it if it weren't possible.

"Since we have these promises, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates our body and our spirit, perfecting holiness out of respect for God."
-2 Corinthians 7:1

The best part is, although attaining holiness seems challenging, we can't do it by our own strength and determination--we must borrow God's. He is the ultimate transformer and is eager to take his children from broken to holy!

"God can do anything, you know--far more than you could ever imagine or request in your wildest dreams!   He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, His spirit deeply and gently within us." 
-Ephesians 3:20-21 (The Message)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 14: The problem with Good

The biggest problem with striving for goodness is that it falls short of greatness.  So much of our culture today makes settling for good or average comfortable and acceptable, sometimes even praiseworthy. We often fall away from our destinies of vigilantly pursuing greatness.

I love what Beth Moore writes regarding this shortfall, "We're getting by, but getting by wasn't our destiny." She is exactly right. God didn't create us as average beings made to only accomplish mediocre tasks and feats. Not even close! The Bible states that we are the apple of God's eye, our creator, who has made each of us with a unique design for greatness. It is only by our own will we settle for average and separate from our innate destiny for greatness.

Perhaps what keeps us from really pursuing our passion or a dream we've been told isn't possible is the fear of failure. But I remind myself that the desires & dreams in my heart have been put there by God and I am to use them to bring Him glory. Pursuing greatness requires us to step out in faith and take a risk beyond our comfort, but we can remain peaceful knowing we have all of God's resources and strength at our aid along the way. As the song says, "and if our God is for us, then who can ever stop us?" We've got everything we need and more to pursue greatness if we align our hearts and minds to accept nothing less.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 13: Psalm 106

Psalm 106 is a powerful teaching about God's patience in delivering us despite our own self-willed rebellion that is important to recall in the tough times of any journey we're on.

These verses show the faults of our human nature--our generations have fallen into sin and we are too quick to forget the Lord's miracles in times of doubt, anger, or desperation, and we might turn against God when he asks us to do what we don't feel like doing.
"We have sinned, even as our fathers did; we have done wrong and acted wickedly. 
When our fathers were in Egypt, they gave no thought to your miracles...& they rebelled by the Red Sea."
-Psalm 106:6-7

Still, despite our rebellion and mistakes, God's mercy and grace covers us and we are redeemed. For this alone we should want nothing more than to praise God! I love the acronym for GRACE: God's Riches At Christ's Expense.
"Yet he saved them for his name's sake, to make his mighty power known....
He saved them from the hand of the foe, from the hand of the enemy he redeemed them. 
The waters covered their adversaries; not one of them survived. 
Then they believed his promises and sang his praise." 
-Psalm 106:8-12

"But soon they forgot what he had done and did not wait for his counsel. 
In the desert they gave in to their craving; in the wasteland they put God to the test. 
So he gave them what they asked for, but sent a wasting disease upon them." 
-Psalm 106:13-15

This shows the danger of trying to "test" God. Although we do it too often, whether it be in prayer requests or 'if I put an extra $20 in the offering plate...' But really, how silly it is for us to test God, the one who owns all resources on this earth and heaven but by his grace shares them freely with us. He wants to bless and love us, despite our flaws. And look at all he has given us to manage--we own nothing in this life! Psalm 106 showed me to praise God thru every stumble, doubt, and trial--because when we need Him most--he is already prepared to shower us with favor and grace. Every journey and achievement is only reached by His strength and will--to God be all our glory!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 12: Well Done

God speaks to all of us, and I've heard that and read that over and over, but sometimes have a hard time positioning my heart and ears to hear his voice and wisdom for me. But today, it was loud and clear! :) Throughout the day I kept hearing the repetition of "Well done, my good and faithful servant."

When I was tempted to have a dessert after lunch, I thought would I rather have a minute of sweetness or be obedient to God as a good and faithful servant? I chose to hear those words of encouragement again.

A big lesson for me to remember on this journey in particular is that #1 I'm never given more than I can handle--not by my own strength--but relying on God's strength. That thought alone brings peace to me. Another note for me to remember is that the journey God currently has you on is also a test to see if you're ready to handle more. I sure don't want to let him down or never advance to the greater journeys. With our obedience to His word, we show our responsibility to handle more.

So tonight I searched online to see what the citation of the scripture was I'd been hearing all day. Matthew 25:23 beautifully reads:
"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things, now I will give you more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!'" 

Wow! The actual words of scripture I'd heard all day were in the same verse as the message I'd been remembering all day--that I am being tested to handle more responsibility. I love how God works to tie up the loose ends and make a pretty package of truth for us all. There is no better encouragement than to hear the Lord tell me 'job well done, Rachel!'--and that's what He wants to tell us daily!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 11: To Be Truly Filled...

We are all born with voids that only God and the Holy Spirit can fill, but our world has craftily come up endless solutions and quick fixes to fill those voids. Some bear the name of sin. I love this excerpt of Lysa TerKeurst's book Made to Crave: 

"Food can fill our stomachs but never our souls.
Possessions can fill our houses but never our hearts.
Sex can fill our nights but never our hunger for love.
Children call fill our days but never our identities."

Most Christians are aware that only the authentic food of Jesus can truly fill our hearts, but our world offers so many rewards, treats, and indulgences that pose as fulfillment that we buy into without thinking twice. As Romans 12:1-2 says, we are urged to turn from these worldly temptations and be transformed by Him. Then, the desire to use our personal relationships with Jesus to fill our voids is increased and more appealing than any cheap offer of the world.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 10: The Best Encouragement

Temptation is all around in our fallen world, but the worst temptation is often what is lured in front of us to keep us from our goals. Big or small, temptation is temptation and sin is sin. But what is greater? Our power to defeat temptation through Christ Jesus.

What's most amazing yet, because Jesus became fully human, he can perfectly empathize with us in every situation we face, because he has faced them all too. A verse of encouragement I love is Hebrews 4:15 "This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet He did not sin."

If He could resist temptation, He is willing and eager to give us the strength to do the same!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 9: GPS

I love my GPS. It is one thing I certainly needed to hit the roads of LA when I moved here before college! Having a GPS has taken out the anxiety of being lost or trying to find a place I've never been before--just type in the address and listen to the commands. And the best part is--when I make a wrong turn, it "recalculates" to accommodate my mistake and ensures I find a way to reach my final destination.

My GPS has always been accurate and taken me right where I've needed to be.  The only opportunity for error is on my behalf.  You see, if I get impatient waiting for it to recalculate or over-confident when I see familiar surroundings, I often just turn it off and rely on my own knowledge to get me there. More often than not, I end up lost, confused, nervous, and reaching to turn back on the GPS.

One of the elders at my church made a great comparison to following the GPS and following God with obedience. In many ways, the GPS is "God's Positioning System." He places desires in our heart and guides our steps to accomplish His plan for us. "A man's heart plans his steps, and the Lord directs his ways." -Proverbs 16:9. And when we take a wrong turn or make a bad decision, His abundant love and grace recalculates our steps. But following His directions requires obedience on our behalf.  Obedience--not relying on our own understanding to figure it out or being overconfident in our own abilities, but trusting God to provide us every resource, piece of wisdom, guidance and funds we need to carry out the plan He put in our hearts.

"Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying 'This is the way, walk in it.' whenever you turn to the right or turn to the left." -Isaiah 30:21

Isn't it funny how we are quick to follow an automated GPS tool but struggle to completely obey the guidance of the one who knows us personally, who seeks our hearts daily and wants to bless our lives in new and exciting ways to further His kingdom?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 8: Rearview Mirror

Last year as I was gearing up to compete for Miss California (for the first time), I struggled with comparing myself to the other 57 contestants.  Then I soon realized that the energy I spent in those thoughts was not helping make me a better competitor or a better person, and if I was going to race to the end, there was only one car for me to focus on and that was my own.

Because I spend too much time driving on a daily basis, I tend to make a lot of car analogies.  As I gear up for this year's competition and anytime in life when competition is present, I think of it like driving on a busy freeway.  All of the cars are going in the same direction (competing for the same goal). If I focus on the cars in the lanes next to me (competitors), I'll probably end up wrecking my car.  If I spend too much time looking in the rearview mirror (dwelling on the shortcomings of my past), again, I'm at a high risk for an accident.  How will I get to my destination (reach my goal)? By looking straight ahead at the road (journey) before me. Yes, occasionally I will need to glance at the cars next to me or in my rearview mirror.  But I will not let my past hold me back or my fears and worries take priority.

The rearview mirror concept is so popular today.  It seems that so many people, whether they realize it or not, live their lives held back by mistakes and baggage of the past. Especially around the time of Easter when studying the Resurrection, it became so clear to me that Jesus died for us to be cleansed of our pasts and to no longer be chained to our shortcomings.  He didn't go through that suffering for us to live outside of our potential. Imagine what we could each accomplish or the freedom and happiness we could experience on a daily basis if we stopped focusing on the rearview mirror and instead looked through the big, clean, promising windshields in front of our eyes.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 7: Time for a Carwash

Today at work, I took my boss' son's car to get a car wash.  His car was black so the dirt really showed and I had a hard time picturing what it would even look like clean beneath that layer of dust, dirt, and scum. I stood inside the car wash building like a little girl, captured by the magic of watching the cars go through the wash before my eyes. In a matter of about 10 seconds, I watched the cars go from dirty to covered in white suds to see them rinsed clean and shiny. 10 seconds!

Then the wheels of my brain began to turn and I was reminded of a scripture I read last night in the book of Romans: "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing, and perfect will." -Romans 12:2. The Word doesn't lightly suggest that we bring our minds to be transformed--it urges us to.  When we want to truly follow the Lord, it is clear that we must turn from the ways of the world. It will be impossible to completely escape worldly influences, thoughts, and temptations, but God will provide us the strength to turn away and be set apart.  We cannot live with one foot in the world and one foot in the Word.

When we ask God to cleanse our minds from worldly thoughts and habits, He has the power to instantaneously cleanse.  Why? Because this is His will and desire for us, to be more devoted followers set apart from the fallen world.  Just as a car can go from dirty to clean in a matter of seconds, so can we. But car washes don't come for free and they don't come to our driveways.  We must make the effort to go out of our way to find them and pay the price to be cleansed. But best yet, while our cars find themselves dirty again in weeks, once God cleans your mind, heart, and soul, the transformation is everlasting!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 6: Perfect Timing

I spent this weekend in Fresno for Miss California Orientation, the first time all 59 contestants gather together before they meet again at competition time in June.  Its an exhausting but fun weekend filled with opening number rehearsals, mock interviews, talent reviews, and getting dressed up.

I was tanned, manicured/pedicured, hair done, protein bars packed, and outfits tailored...feeling perfectly prepared for the weekend. But I've realized when I'm feeling too comfortable or confident, I tend to not rely on God as much as I need to. So He graciously reminds me of that need. A wave of doubt came over me Friday night as I second guessed my preparedness and even if I was cut out for this calling. But as I laid in bed listening to worship music, I felt not only silly for wasting energy on these doubts, but so at peace by God's presence. I have felt this calling in my heart and regardless of the circumstances, must solely focus on that calling.

I was reading a blog with a truth that really spoke to me. It said "God must develop our character in the quiet if we're ever to be used effectively in public." Even when the chase of a goal seems stagnant or impossible, that is when He wants me to rely on HIS strength most. In our challenges, God is testing us. Will we turn to our own devices for quick and uncertain advice, or will we turn to His perfect wisdom? God has created a perfect timeline for our lives in which the desires in our heart and the dreams we've dreamt will be fulfilled when the time is best.

What I took away from my weekend was how silly it is for me to focus on the negative criticisms or speculations from other people about this competition. I ought to focus my best energy on opening my heart to be transformed God, open my ears to hear His wisdom and voice, and open my mind to patience and trust in His perfect timing to answer the call He's given me.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 5: A Hungry Soul

Overeating has become a huge American epidemic. The root of most overeating issues derive from emotional eating, and I believe at the core of that, is more than a hungry stomach, but a hungry soul. 

A hungry soul is far more dangerous than a hungry stomach. To a hungry soul, anything appears to be good.  Sin takes a luring disguise. Slowly but surely, the hungry soul becomes tainted with spots of sin and victory is lost. 

There is only one thing that will truly satisfy the soul--and that is God's word. Victory goes to the soul that is satisfied by Him alone! 

"A satisfied soul hates the honeycomb, but to a hungry soul, every bitter is sweet." -Proverbs 27:7. 

When you use God's strength, word, and comfort to satisfy you, the craving for even "good" things is diminished. I'd much rather invest in a lifetime of soul satisfaction than a meal that provides 4 hour satisfaction! 

Day 4: More Beautiful

In our beauty-obsessed culture, I get so tired of the focus and value put on the outward appearances.  We have become a society quick to judge by looks.  One of my dear friends Rose put it into perspective:

"I heard an old queen of England was asked how she stays so beautiful. She responded 'when you are so beautiful on the inside, you can't stop it from showing on the outside.'"

So true. There are those people you're just drawn to and maybe don't know why, but inner beauty has a rich lure.  Selfless hearts who put others first is prettier than any good makeover.

That's part of my draw to the Miss America Organization.  I constantly fight the "beauty pageant" stigma, as most pageants are regarded as overly glamourous and produce pretty models but not necessarily relatable role models.  I describe the Miss America Organization as the intersection of inner and outer beauty, and that I respect.  While we can't control our genetics, birthmarks, or facial features, we can control a beauty that is much richer and lasting--on the inside.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 3: Growing Closer

One of my favorite concepts is in Luke 9:23 "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." One of the biggest things I face when making food choices is the question of beneficial vs. permissible.  Yes, it is permissible for me to eat ice cream at 10pm, I won't die. it beneficial to me, my body, or my goals?  As much as I love cookie dough ice cream, the answer is no. Lysa TerKeurst writes in her book Made to Crave about growing closer to God "by making the choice to deny ourselves something that is permissible but not beneficial--and making this sacrifice for the sole purpose of growing closer to God." 

So the challenge is passing up the permissible and focusing on the beneficial. We are created to be victorious with the strength of God, and each have great callings and purposes in life. But too often, it seems people settle for mediocracy and coast by in the zone of comfort.  However, we weren't made to just get by; we were made to thrive! So why would I want to allow the permissible things in my life to hold me back from my full potential? To quote one of my favorite MercyMe songs: "This life was meant to SHINE!" I'm on a quest for a shining victory and denying those permissible temptations for the beneficial sake of growing closer to God.