Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 30: Heart + Hands

Back in September, the pastor at my church delivered one of my favorite messages of all time. It was called "What's in Your Heart and Your Hand," and was all about using the specific talents you've been given (in your hand) in combination with the desires/calling God has given you (in your heart) to reach the destiny He has for you. It made me think about why I was the way I am for the first time--why I had been given certain skills and not others. It put me at peace knowing God had given me what I needed for a predestined purpose!

"From the cradle to the cubicle we spend 80% of our time focusing on our shortcomings." Wow, 80%? I think if you start paying attention to your thoughts, you'll find that to be accurate. One reason Christians don't reach their full potential is we are too busy focusing on what we don't have instead of building up the natural skills we've been given. Imagine the change if you took the 80% of your time you spend focusing on your shortfalls and applied that energy to growing your strengths? Fear plays a big part of it. Fear is a weapon of satan, but God can help us over the hurdle of fear. Those who overcome fear can and will do great things for the Kingdom!

The first step is to identify your God-given gifts. What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time? What is the most rewarding part of your day? If you could do any job or pick a career without money being an object, what would you pick? What gets you fired up, passionate, and wanting to make a change? These were questions I asked myself to help me determine my natural skill set. They might not align with your current job, but often our careers and our destinies don't go hand in hand. But they can.

We are to offer our talents up to God. The funny thing is, they were never ours to begin with (although it is easy to take the praise for being a good athlete, teacher, businessman, etc.) Take the little that is in your hand and with a heart of faith ask God to use it for His purpose, and watch as He will bless and multiply it before your eyes!

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